Efficiently reduce wild damage

Protect your agricultural land, afforestation and other goods using the latest ultrasonic devices.

  • Wildschweinschäden an Bio-Maisfeld
  • Wild boar damage to the meadows
  • Wild boar damage in grain
  • Rotwildschäden an Sonnenblumenfeld
  • Fischotterschäden in der Teichwirtschaft
  • Marderschäden unterhalb der Motorhaube
Wildschweinschäden an Bio-Maisfeld
Wild boar damage to the meadows
Wild boar damage in grain
Rotwildschäden an Sonnenblumenfeld
Fischotterschäden in der Teichwirtschaft
Marderschäden unterhalb der Motorhaube

Really Great! Since we set up the equipment, damage by wildlife has stopped. Hard to believe ..

We have had 3 Doxmand VR 4s in operation in the area for several months.
The effect can be observed immediately. Wild boar and red deer avoid that
area around the devices.
The game damage in the fodder corn was reduced by a lot and that
Substituting game significantly reduced.
The beeping sound of the devices is clearly audible, but not for dogs
The on-site consultation was extremely competent and fair.
The man has a clue. Here again THANKS to Barny.
The software looks modern and is explained on site on the laptop. So can
the greatest possible benefit can be achieved with just a few devices.
The devices are maintenance-free and the continuous operation is through
Solar energy guaranteed.
So far there have been no problems and the devices work without it
Interruption flawless.
Good Hunting!

Christoph, Burgenland (hunter for 17 years)

Our Products

Due to the random and disruptive Ultrasonic waves wildlife avoids the protected area. The devices were designed for different sized forest and agricultural areas, vegetable gardens, weekend houses, orchards, vineyards and plantations. They are used wherever there are different types of wildlife damage. The small devices protect areas of up to 1 ha and the larger devices can protect areas of up to 6 ha. 

The ultrasonic waves generated by the device are not (or only rarely) heard by humans, but they scare away the wildlife. The solar panel, which is mounted on the top of the device provides the power required, and thanks to its special charging circuit, always achieves maximum performance. A Li-ion battery stores the electricity generated. Important: the devices are maintenance-free.

Efficiently Reduce Wildlife Damage

​Wildlife has less and less habitat and is more often in conflict with our performance-oriented agriculture and forestry. Wildlife is now seen more often in our gardens and estates. In the event of damage, the hunters have to pay large sums of money.

With our devices, we have found a contemporary and environmentally friendly solution to reduce damage by wildlife.

We promise to 'Efficiently reduce wildlife damage'. We do NOT promise that we can stop 100% of the damage by wildlife.game damage. With our devices, we promise to minimize wildlife damage as far as possible.

My Passion

The wind has turned. I watch the tree line with concentration. No movement yet. I am in my hunting ground in Hungary where I have been hunting for more than 20 years. I feel the connection to nature, I always want to be a part of it. My love for her drove me on and on. Again and again I had to face challenges in order to experience what others can no longer experience because nature has become alien to them. I don't have a trophy wall at home, but I have experiences in me that fill my heart, even more.

I am Barnabas Nagy. Passionate and professional bow hunter.

Wildlife Damage Reduced With The Devices
